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KraspAI Kompass

Navigate the language model ecosystem

Test prompts across top language models, both closed- and open-source. Create your own unique test suite and compare models in less than a minute. No code required.




  • 25 free test credits
  • Up to 10 custom test suites
  • Shared and private test suites
Sign up for free



  • All features of free plan
  • 1250 test credits per month, sufficient for:
    • Up to 1250 short tests
    • Or 250 medium tests
    • Or 100 long tests
  • $9 per 1k additional test credits
  • Unlimited test suites
Start 7-day free trial



  • All features of free and pro plans
  • Import test cases from csv
  • Export test results to csv
  • Add password to shared test suites
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Frequently asked questions

A test credit can be used to run tests on models in KraspAI. To run a test, the test's prompt is given to the model and it's response is recorded. Depending on the length of the prompt and the model's completion, a different amount of test credits is used. See the next question for more details.

Whether we consider a test short, medium or long is determined by the total number of tokens in the prompt and the model response. A test is considered 'short' if this sum is less than 100. A test is considered 'medium' if this sum is between 100 and 500. A test is considered 'long' if this sum of is greater than 500.

The number of test credits needed to run a test depends on the length of the test. A short test costs 1 test credit, a medium test costs 5 test credits and a long test costs 10 test credits.

You can use any model that is available in KraspAI. The currently available models are:

openai-gpt-3.5-turbo, openai-gpt-4, openai-gpt-4-0314, openai-gpt-3.5-turbo-0301, openai-text-davinci-003, openai-text-davinci-002, openai-text-curie-001, openai-text-babbage-001, openai-text-ada-001, cohere-command, cohere-command-light, alephalpha-luminous-base, alephalpha-luminous-extended, alephalpha-luminous-supreme, alephalpha-luminous-base-control, alephalpha-luminous-extended-control, alephalpha-luminous-supreme-control, meta-llama-2-70b-chat, tii-falcon-40b-instruct

These are the currently available models. Over time availability of models may vary, as we depend on access to the models' APIs – which may be shut down or inaccessible for us for reasons beyond our control. Reach out to to request a model we don't support yet.